MTG: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms

The Magic and Dungeons & Dragons crossover we've all been waiting for will finally arrive on July 16 as our season-long set of legendary experiences continues with Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Prerelease!

This set brings the storytelling and roleplaying elements of D&D to Magic through fan-favorite D&D spells and monsters and incredible booster fun treatments highlighting classic D&D flavor, including the rulebook treatment reminiscent of early Monster Manuals.

And, of course, players will find an abundance of both dungeons and dragons.


Pre-Order Pickup Begins 3pm, Friday, July 16, 2021.

Pre-Order Products Include:

You'll also get the Vorpal Sword Buy-A-Box Promo with the purchase of any Set Booster Box OR 4 Deck Commander Set (while supplies last, limit one per customer).

Pre-Release Sealed Event

Both FTW Game Co. locations will be hosting a Pre-Release Sealed Event on Friday, July 16th! Entry is $25 + tax and includes a Draft Booster pack added into the prize pool! Sign up is at 5pm, Event starts at 6pm.

What's in the Pre-Release Pack?

  • 6 Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Draft Boosters
  • 3 foil double-sided Dungeon cards
  • 1 foil-stamped R/M card from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms
  • 1 deck box
  • 1 20-sided die

Release Day Booster Draft

On release day, Friday, July 23rd, we'll be hosting a Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Booster Draft! Entry is $15 and includes a Draft Booster added to the prize pool! Sign up is at 5pm, Event Begins at 6pm!

Sign up for the Magic the Gathering Companion App!

Have you signed up for the Magic Companion app yet?! 


Find and join limited and constructed events at participating stores! With the Magic Companion app you can find your next match, and even get notifications of when it's time to play!


Organize your events and match results by self-tracking or pairing with your local game store! Magic Companion lets you automate match results, use a built-in life counter, and get notifications of new rounds.


Stage your own tournaments with the capability to host up to eight friends in the Home Tournament Organizer. You add the names, the app tracks pairing + standings. Easy!

Available for iOS & Android—Download Today!